
Mapping out life is like mapping out the Milky Way — nearly impossible.  There is so much, so many routes, so many different compounds, so much distance.  It is a trek, a journey, a destination unknown.


It is all about the adventures, the choices, the paths, the results, the next move, the next set of results, completely endless and revolving — like a work of Escher.  A stretch of seeing, believing and evolving; thinking the impossible but superseding the possible; tapping deep into the imaginations of our minds to make the surreal become real.


It is the rhythm that we yearn for, yet the ever-changing pattern we live in is creating the most beautiful unnoticed sound we could ever imagine!  The beauty that is right before our own senses may not resonate to ourselves but it is sure to illuminate in the eyes of those watching.


Sometimes we need guidance, guidance to navigate our own map of life.  At times, that, that is illuminated to others will allow us soon to also become aware of the paths we are traveling.  Along the way things may be visible, yet some turns are blind- this is the gamble we take; in order to find what the future may hold one must trust themselves and those that help decipher the compass, the compass of life.

The possession of happiness

It is true that misery loves company; it may also be true that those who speak negatively are in a negative place themselves and may not understand happiness.  It is with failure, defeat and loss that one can only start to find or understand or see happiness.
It is with failure, loss and defeat that one can overcome and seek their happiness.
You gain strength from losing and with this you may find more happiness.  As you search for happiness in life you may suffer (encounter) defeat, failure and loss but it is with this that brings you great strength;  strength that can give you the opportunity to achieve that happiness that you once sought.  The happiness you have always had in your possession, the happiness that we all have;  it just needed to be polished like a rock to uncover the true gem of it all.
 Never give up on the pursuit for when you do you may lose more than you have to give.